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Dont interact with me if youre a proshipper, supporter of endogenic systems, right-wing, zionist, terf, transmisandry believer, transmed, and the like. If I see you interacting Ill block you

Hello, welcome to my main website !
Im Chaqui, pronounced similarly to Chucky, or just call me Cha. I am 19 years old. 2nd year visual arts student. She/Her and feminine terms when referring to me. Trans butch something. Disabled in multiple ways. Im a mixed race latina, specifically indigenous mapuche & slavic polish, from Chile.

I speak Spanish & English fluently, and am slowly learning MapudungĂșn, LSCh, Polish, amongst other languages.

My main interests include: Zatch Bell, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru, DoroHeDoro, Transformers, Rhythm games, RPGs, Slasher Movies, General Horror (films/games/books), Biology (especially Taxonomy/Phylogeny and Entomology), SM64 soundfont covers, the color green, and other miscalleanous stuff.

I also like music like Lauren Bousfield, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Yes, Oingo Boingo, of Montreal, BUCK-TICK, System of a Down, Aphex Twin, MF DOOM, Chemlab, KMFDM SHAZNA, Fleshgod Apocalypse, and a bunch of video game soundtracks
Theres a lot more that I wont list because it really is a lot. Music recommendations always welcome.

Check out my Artwork Diary

View my Vaporeon Shrine

Special Thanks to Rita for helping me out with this page's code !

"In a way, you are poetry material; you are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out. Words burst in your essence and you carry their dust in the pores of your ethereal individuality."
-Franz Kafka (Letters to Milena)